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[American Law Center]US Trade Sanctions against Two Koreas: Crossroads of Law and International Politics_11/29(Thu)_7PM_Korea University

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작성일18-11-02 17:44


US Trade Sanctions against Two Koreas: Crossroads of Law and International Politics

Save the Date! November 29, 2018 At 7 pm at Korea University


While US trade sanctions against China are dominating the world’s attention, what affects the present and future of the Korean society more severely are the US sanctions against South Korean exporters and North Korea.  The two sets of the sanctions against two Koreas are neither well known nor publicly studied.  American Law Center present a rare opportunity to learn about the law and the state of play on US trade sanctions, probably the most important instruments of American law affecting the region, together with an introduction to the dynamic political environment surrounding North Korea.   The topics covered will be:


-      North Korean economy and NK-US relationship, present and future

-      Trade sanctions against South Korean exporters to the U.S., and how to avoid them

-      U.S. political environment and future of trade sanctions, also lightly touching upon China-bound trade sanctions

-      State of play on US sanctions against North Korea and its impact on Korean businesses


Register early to save the spots by writing to amlawcenter@korea.ac.kr 

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